
Some of you might be wondering, “What is ‘cosplay’?” Well, you know how here in Hawai’i (usually around late March or early April), you’ll see people dressed as video game or anime characters wandering around the Convention Center? That’s cosplay! I’ve been a “cosplayer” for about 10 years now. It all started when my grandmother taught me how to sew a small cat stuffed animal, and from there I started sewing clothing for recreating my favorite fictional characters. I’ve always loved video games for as long as I can remember and it was amazing to be able to live even a small part of being some of the characters I loved.

Making a cosplay takes a lot of time, effort, and self motivation. Planning out how you’re going to make or sew certain pieces can take majority of the creating process, and in that way it’s similar to working on a project.

For sewing, you get the skills of learning how to piece each pattern together and how to design them so they fit perfectly so that seams won’t show. Sometimes it can get pretty confusing! It also takes a long time to perfect certain techniques.

I hope to be able to share more details and progress pictures of a future cosplay.